03623-291110 |   +91 87529-32184 |    wisdompublicschool2015@gmail.com |    Kokjhar (Near NATCO Pharma), Mirza, Dist: Kamrup (R), State: Assam, Pin: 781125
CBSE Affiliation Number : 230320    School Number : 35582

|| Rules and Regulations ||

1. Be punctual, report to school and class on time. School begins at 8:15am. If a student arrives in school after 8:30am he/she needs to report to the office. Students are discouraged from coming to school prior to 7:45 am because of lack of adult supervision.
2. Strive to be present every school day. In case of absence, reason of absence shall be filled up in regularity index and submit to the class teacher.
3. Respect each other at all times. Disagreements will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is fair to all concerned.
4. Buildings and the campus will be kept clean and neat. Do not deface or damage school property. Students who vandalize the school property will make restitution.
5. Maintain order when moving to different areas. Do not run; running is a frequent cause of injuries.
6. The following are not allowed in school unless prior permission is granted by the school staff:
7. radios, cell phones, pagers and other electrical equipment
8. yoyos, darts, sling shots, and other potentially dangerous toys
9. pets
10. skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, razors
11. valuables, extra money, computer games, items of sentimental value
12. fireworks, matches
13. weapons or expensive toys
14. gum
15. Remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus must have a Student Pass and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. (Leaving campus without consent is an offense).
16. Avoid using abusive or profane language and gestures.
17. Do not climb trees, gates, railings, fences, and the school buildings.
18. Respect the property rights of others.
19. Leave the premises immediately after school duties/responsibilities are completed.
20. Buying/selling of personal items and trading are not allowed.

Our Mission

Wisdom Public School, Mirza aims at delivering brilliance education for the holistic development of a child with special emphasis on intellectual and moral growth. Our aim is to provide affordable quality education easily accessible to almost all economy classes of people of the country .

Contact Us

Address: Wisdom Public School, Kokjhar, Mirza, Dist: Kamrup (R), State: Assam, Pin: 781125
Email : wisdompublicschool2015@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 87529-32184
Landline number : 03623-291110

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